ISPOR Europe 2024
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30.11-03.12.2021 Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021
30.11-03.12.2021 Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021
ISPOR êîíôåðåíö³ÿ 2020
Ministry of Health Care of UkraineDanylo Halytsky Lviv national medical university In Danylo Halytsky Lviv national medical university will be carried out 3th conference “Improving equity of access to pharmaceutical in Europe and Ukraine” on December, 17, 2008 . In conference will take part more than 80 practical pharmacists on speciality “organization and economy of pharmacy”, and academic pharmacists, doctors.The program of 3th conference “Improving equity of access to pharmaceutical in Europe and Ukraine” on December, 17, 2008 . 10 00 –1100 Master-class Professor Olha Zaliska“Pharmacoeconomics and improving equity of access to pharmaceutical in countries Europe” (for data at ISPOR 11th Annual European Congress)1100 -1400 Plenary session
Professor, D.Sci. (Pharm.) Olha Zaliska
“ Pharmacoeconomic analysis methods and equity of access to pharmaceuticals in Ukraine”, Danylo Halytsky Lviv national medical university, Lviv, UkraineProfessor, D.Sci. (Pharm.) Borys Parnovsky “Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical prophylactic: theory and practic use in Ukraine”, Danylo Halytsky Lviv national medical university, Lviv, Ukraine
Assist. Professor, MD Yuliya Maynych
“British National Formulary for children – improving of access to racional farmacotherapia in peadiatric practice”
Assist. Professor, MD Pushak Kateryna Pushak
“The pharmacoeconomic researches of contraceptives andhormonal medicines for treatment of climacteric disorged” , Danylo Halytsky Lviv national medical university, Lviv, Ukraine
14001430 –coffee-break 1430-16 00 Plenary sessionAssociate professor., Ph.D. Andriy Boyko
“The pharmacoeconomical analysis of insulins for treatment diabet in Europe and Ukraine” , Danylo Halytsky Lviv national medical university, Lviv, Ukraine”
Assist. Professor, MD Olena Paramosh “The pharmacoeconomical analysis of antypsyhotic medicines for treatment of mental frustration in Ukraine” , Danylo Halytsky, Lviv national medical university, Lviv Ukraine1530-1600 - Discussion